Mole Removal Pen Pins Attachments
Mole Removal Pen Pins Attachments
now remove skin tags, warts, and black dots that appear on the skin (also called freckles), we use a professional freckle or mole removal pen. The mole removal pen comes with two attachments; you can either attach a needle or a sturdy, pointed pin. If you already have pins, you can attach and use them. If you don’t have the attachments, you can order them online and get them delivered in Pakistan.
The mole removal or freckle pen has one attachment for rotation, which allows you to lock the pin, while the other is a simple direct pin used in place of a needle. Check both attachments to see if they fit your pen, and if they do, you can order them.
The Mole Removal Pen has two types of tips at the front. One is a pointed metal tip, and the other is a rotating tip. When you need to attach a pin, there's an attachment for rotating on the Mole Pen. If you need both attachments, please check to ensure they will fit your pen.